7th Grade Behind the scenes :)

Great work job so far!

Now we will begin creating short PowerPoints to teach our classmates what we learned. 

It is important to know that Mrs Sawyer will give you a quiz covering the presentations, so make sure you are paying attention during the various presentations.  

First steps

You and your partners will create a Powerpoint.  For now, use the default template.  In other words, don't worry about choosing a design, changing the text/ colors, adding animations, or transitions.  Today's directions should not take you long to complete, as you have already done the work.

Please find your group's assignment and begin work.  You will have 1/2 an hr to complete this assignment.  Save your work under the file Sawyer 2017-2018.


Siah, Morgan, Roman, Clara- group 1


slide 1- title (Chapter 10 Basic Ideas) and your names

slide 2- 4 to 5 sentence summary

slide 3-List the main topics and events 

slide 4- snip the following text onto your slide and give an example of imagery

“I shall cherish [the glove] as a precious memento of the second inauguration of the man who has done so much for my race. He has been a Jehovah to my people—has lifted them out of bondage, and directed their footsteps from darkness to light.”


slide 5-explain Keckley’s attitude towards Mr Lincoln and state some words that help emphasize the tone

slide 6 - explain whether Keckley’s account of the interaction between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglass is reliable or not 

Check your spelling and grammar.  Save your work into the Sawyer 2017-2018 folder


Ella, Emma, Phillip- group 2

slide 1- copy the following text onto your slide and give an example of imagery

“The morning was dark and gloomy; clouds hung in the sky, as if portending some great disaster. But when the president stepped forward to receive the oath of office, the clouds parted, and a ray of sunshine streamed from the heavens to fall up and gild his face. It was also said that a brilliant star was seen at noon- day. It was the noon-day of life with Mr. Lincoln, and the star, as viewed in the light of subsequent events, was emblematic of a summons from on high.”

slide 2- explain what the author means when she says the star "was emblematic of a summons from on high"

slide 3- explain what Keckley’s tone towards Mr. Lincoln is and include words that help emphasize the tone

slide 4- copy the following text onto your slide


15            Many colored people were in Washington, and large numbers had desired to attend the reception, but orders were issued not to admit them. A gentleman, a member of Congress, on his way to the White House, recognized Mr. Frederick Douglass, the eloquent colored orator, on the outskirts of the crowd.

16            "How do you do, Mr. Douglass? A fearful jam tonight. You are going in, of course?"

17            "No—that is, no to your last question."

18            "Not going in to shake the President by the hand! Why, pray?"

19            "The best reason in the world. Strict orders have been issued not to admit people of color."

20            "It is a shame, Mr. Douglass, that you should thus be placed under ban. Never mind; wait here, and I will see what can be done."


slide 5- explain which details/ events that Keckley includes that she witnesses personally

slide 6- explain which details/events Keckley includes that she hears from others 

slide 7- explain Keckely's purpose for including the description of Douglass' attendance at the inauguration ball

Check your spelling and grammar.  Save your work into the Sawyer 2017-2018 folder



Isabella, Lamiyah, Hunter, Luke- group 3

Slide 1- title slide (“Notable Visitors”), your names

Slide 2- list 10 unfamiliar words/ phrases. Write 2 sentences from the texts with each having one unfamiliar word/ phrase

Slide 3- Write the same sentences with the unfamiliar word/ phrases defined

Slide 4- 5 Write your answers to the even questions

Check your spelling and grammar.  Save your work into the Sawyer 2017-2018 folder


Breanna, Haydon, Ethan, Court- group 4

Slide 1- 4 to 5 sentence summary

Slide 2-explain that “Notable Visitors” refers to the Proclamation.   Write the Proclamation in your own words

Slide 3-5 Write the answers to the odd questions from the handout

Check your spelling and grammar.  Save your work into the Sawyer 2017-2018 folder



Leyanna, Wyatt, Tyler, Kacie- group 5

Slide 1- Title slide (Comparisons / contrasts of ch 10 and “Notable Visitors”)

Slide 2- summarize ch 10 in 3-4 sentences

Slide 3- list 3-4 comparisons of the texts and include textual evidence

Slide 4- Explain each writer’s purpose for writing his or her work?

Slide 5- Explain how the word choices of each writer help serve his or her purpose

Check your spelling and grammar.  Save your work into the Sawyer 2017-2018 folder


 Addie, Braydon, Raven-  group 6

Slide 1- summarize “Notable Visitors in 3-4 sentences

Slide 2- list 3-4 comparisons of the texts and include textual evidence

Slide 3-Explain how either Keckley or Douglas’ influence help the reader’s understanding of events

Slide 4- Explain the objective of either Keckley or Douglas for conveying the events in the way he or she does

Check your spelling and grammar.  Save your work into the Sawyer 2017-2018 folder